Jonathan lve, Father of Contemporary Industrial Design

Jony Ive, the father of contemporary industrial design, can be said to be a world-renowned high-tech company. A series of products launched by Apple have been widely sought after. In addition to its soul, Steve Jobs, Apple can not achieve such great achievements without another important person, Jony Ive.


Jony Ive was the chief designer and senior vice president of Apple, a British knight, and also the honorary dean of the Royal College of Art in London. He has participated in the design of many Apple products such as iPod, iMac, iPhone, iPad, etc. In addition to Jobs, he is the most influential person on Apple's famous products.


Jony was born in London, England in 1967. His father, Michael John Yves, was a silversmith. He taught Jony his skills and ideas in making objects. When Jony was a boy, he liked to dismantle all kinds of toys his father bought for him. As a father, he did not object to Jony's doing so, but helped and supported his son to dismantle and restore these toys.


When Jony was in high school, his design talent was already on the horizon. At the age of 16, his talent was admired by Philip Gray, the general manager of Robert Weaver Group, a well-known design company in London, and he helped him to go to college. After graduation, Jony returned to work in his design company. While studying at Newcastle Comprehensive Engineering and Technology College, Jony designed new products such as new phones and hearing aids. Jony worked as an intern in Roberts Design Company as soon as he arrived at the university holiday. He was also known as the "golden boy" designer of the company, and designed stationery boxes and signature pens for Zebra Co., Ltd.


In 1992, Jony officially joined Apple. At that time, Jobs was expelled and the whole Apple was in a mess. Jony took over the hot potato, but ran into difficulties everywhere. Just when he was angry and wanted to resign, Jobs came back. Jony was moved by his words "In the future, the company will not only make money, but also produce great products" and stayed.


In 1998, at the most critical moment of Apple, Jobs bet on cheap personal computers. Later, Jony took designers to make various models for 24 hours, and finally designed the iMac, an egg shaped computer. In order to save money, they used a plastic shell for this computer, but how can we make it look like a stall? Jony and the designers opened their brains and made it translucent.


The non mainstream appearance of iMac has frightened many partners of Apple, but it has achieved unprecedented success since its launch. In the first four months, Apple sold 800000 iMacs, making it the fastest selling computer in Apple's history. The success of iMac not only saved Apple, but also made Jony's studio the most powerful department in the company.


With this success, he was appreciated by Jobs, and Jony became more willful when designing the iPod. He completely abandoned the colorful design language of iMac and designed the iPod into pure white. It's OK to change the color. In order to reduce the size of the iPod, he even canceled the function of changing the battery.


Jony and his design team have successively designed and created iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other series of products. In 2012, Jony was awarded the "Second Class Senior Sir of the British Empire" for his outstanding contributions to the global design industry.


Jony not only has novel and creative ideas, but also loves and is good at communicating ideas and experiences with others. He is especially good at conveying his novel ideas to people who do not know design. This kind of communication ability provides more opportunities for him to become a famous design master later. He makes more people realize the importance of design for a product.


Apple did not attach such importance to design at the beginning. For a long time, Jony's work did not receive the due attention. What he worked hard to design was finally discounted to meet the goal of engineers or management to minimize the cost. In order to expand profits, the design function was once reduced.


Jony's ability to create iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other disruptive products is closely related to his design department's position in Apple. Of course, first of all, this credit should be attributed to Jobs. It can be said that without Jobs, there would be no Jony today. It was he who acquiesced that Jony put design above other departments.


Jony said that only the design department of Apple is not a department serving other departments. They are the masters of Apple. They put forward their views and implemented them, causing headaches for all departments, but allowing Apple to taste the real benefits of the company driven by design. That is, at Apple, the design is considered first, and then the implementation. The Engineering Department, the Sales Department, the Advertising Department and other departments all serve the Design Department, meet the requirements of the Design Department as much as possible, and create products that Jony wants to achieve to meet the user experience.


In addition to putting design above all departments, Jony has endowed products with emotion. Jony once said that his design is different from the starting point of other products. It is not based on engineering, nor on the pursuit of chip reading speed and how to maximize benefits. In fact, it is from the perspective of users. It emphasizes the user experience, how to win their emotions, and how to make their use easier and more convenient to carry out research and development. The design that Jony pursues is the feeling of the design user on the product, the combination of the physical existence of the product and human emotion, and the user experience. In an interview with Time magazine, Jony specifically mentioned: "It's easy to design a different computer, but the difficult thing is how to make users feel intimate and easy to use."


The iMac series won Jony's public attention for the first time. The surface of an all-in-one machine is slightly frosted. Through the translucent shell, you can see the silver electromagnetic shielding layer inside, like the combination of a transparent thermos bottle and a car tail lamp.


At the beginning, personal computers were developed only for computer enthusiasts, but in order to break this situation, Jobs put forward a new requirement: the iMac computer released by Apple should be available to all people in the world. So Jony has been working on how to develop a machine that can be used by people without looking at the manual. Of course, modeling factors: Tiffany blue, plastic material and streamlined shape also make the first generation iMac a gimmick.


The transparent design really adds "fun". In order to increase users' interest in Apple products, Jony also added a handle to the top of the new generation of iMac during the update of iMac. If this handle is placed in other companies, it will be removed because it increases costs and production steps.


But Jony explained his meaning: "This handle is not really intended to let users carry the computer to other places, but to encourage users to touch it, thus establishing a connection between users and computers virtually." You know, in the early 20th century, people were still unfamiliar with the sense of technology. If you still have uncertainty and sense of unknown about something, you will have a sense of distance. So this handle provides a sense of closeness and possibility for the machine to connect with people. It will give people a sense of approachability. Such a sensitive touch between human and computer also led him to eventually develop touch screen machines such as iPhone and iPad.


In addition to giving emotion to products, Jony's style is characterized by minimalism. Jony's education at Newcastle College is based on the simplicity principle of German Bauhaus School. Under the influence of Bauhaus' efforts to explore form following function and remove interference and excessive decoration, Jony's works always pursue the minimalist design concept of innovation, practicality, aesthetics and environmental protection.


Jony knows what he needs. Like the new generation iPhone X, he said in an interview with the Smithsonian Institution magazine that this all glass, borderless product is Apple and he has been longing for many years. Compared with the iPhone 7 plus, the iPhone X is not much more.


The design culture in the 1980s was over thinking. In Jony's generation, minimalism began to sweep the world, and the previous trivial style gradually became a visual fatigue and became the past. When Apple and other companies' products are put together, Apple often proudly declares that their products are often not redundant. The general principle of their design and production is that except for absolutely necessary accessories, everything else can be integrated into one, and nothing superfluous is allowed.


Jony would ask himself for every part: "Do we really need this part? What is its function? Does it have the same function as other parts? Can this part perform the function of more than 4 parts?" In this way, the simplified process is repeated again and again.


Jony believes that this is not only for the sake of beauty, but also for the convenience of people. The production process of the equipment can be simplified, and it can also reduce a certain degree of electronic waste pollution for the environment. Jony likes to remove all the parts of a device and put them on the table. He and his colleagues think about how to reduce the number of parts, so as to reduce the interface between parts. You should know that the original iPhone prototype has about 30 parts interfaces, but after Jony strictly controlled the number of parts one by one, the integrated iPhone finally has only 5 interfaces.


The iPod is the best product of Jony's minimalist design, and some people say it is the embodiment of the essence of Apple. From the very beginning, Jony wanted to pursue an object that looked natural and simple, so that people could not even detect its traces of artificial design.


The first simplification of iPod is the simplification of switch. For most users, it is a great surprise that a product has no key to start. Any key can activate the device. If it is not active for a period of time, it will automatically shut down. This simply subverts the public's understanding. This design idea not only removes the button from the appearance, but also removes the function of switching on and off, realizing a very acceptable but breakthrough simplification.


The second simplification of the iPod is the removable battery. Jony removed the battery cover, internal shielding cover Note 4 and the replaceable battery, and replaced it with a more compact and compact charging device. This has largely avoided people's behavior of buying, replacing and throwing away batteries, and has made great contributions to environmental protection.


It is always more difficult to say than to do. In the high-tech industry, in order to make new products, people are always trying to add some fancy things. They usually never want to remove the things they have made so hard. Although simplification is one of the basic design concepts, Apple is the only one that truly pursues the principle of minimalism.

Jony advocates the importance of the design department. The research and development of any product starts from the design first. The innovative product design has created everything for Apple today. It is Jony's insistence, expanding the influence of design on the whole company, making designers' work get the greatest respect, and producing the best products;


Jony emphasizes the user experience. In addition to the beautiful appearance design, how to operate conveniently is the magic weapon of Apple to give people's feelings to the product. It is necessary to consider each function of the product from the user's perspective, and finally create an IT product that changes people's use habits;


From the perspective of ecological design, Jony can't see any spare parts in Apple's products. He forced his minimalist paranoia into every Apple product. He spent thousands of days and nights, making great contributions to the simplicity of functions and the saving of materials.


Some people say that Apple made Jony, but Jony also made Apple. Jobs once said that Jony was his soul mate, and it was Jony who realized the future of Apple in his mind.


Jony Ive's work is a legend of the combination of technology and art. Only Jony can combine the amazing design, wonderful simple operation and incredible technology to catalyze Apple to create those avant-garde products. Jony, through his own design, has changed people's scientific and technological cognition and living habits, and ultimately affected people's behavior and lifestyle.

Fortune magazine named Jony Ive as the smartest designer in the world: "Everyone who walks in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City or the Pompidou National Art Center in Paris will see his early representative products. But unlike most of the museum's innovators, Yves can integrate his wisdom into the design and be loved by the public - including his demanding boss. He is really smart."


The most important point is: "Jony Ive has set the direction not only for Apple, but also for the wider design world!

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